Due to hurricane damage, the Havelock location is closed until further notice. Havelock therapists Hannah Zhang, Sarah Hall and Judy Hickes are available to see patients at the New Bern location. Please call the New Bern location at (252) 636-9800 to discuss your care.

Am I at risk for pain in my neck and shoulder that radiates down my arm?

Biceps Tendinitis: Causes and Treatment | Peak Performance

Almost anyone can feel pain in their neck and shoulder that radiates down their arm. However, there are certain people who may have a higher risk of developing this type of pain. 

Pain that starts in the neck and shoulder before radiating down the arm is typically caused by cervical radiculopathy. This condition is more commonly called a pinched neck nerve. A study of cervical radiculopathy reveals that this issue affects 6.3% of the general population over their lifetime. Physical therapists can help you learn if you might be at risk of developing cervical radiculopathy. In addition, these specialists can help you treat the pain in the neck and shoulder radiating down the arm that this condition can cause. 

Common risk factors for cervical radiculopathy

There are many factors that can increase your risk of cervical radiculopathy. Having one or more of these risk factors may mean you’re more likely to develop pain in the neck and shoulder that radiates down your arm:

  • Age — The risk of pinched neck nerves increases as a person ages. Generally, the risk is highest when you’re between the ages of 40 and 59. 
  • Doing repetitive neck movements — Years of repetitive neck movements can wear out structures in the neck. In turn, this makes cervical radiculopathy more likely. 
  • Working with vibrating equipment — The vibrations caused by certain work equipment, such as jackhammers, can lead to a greater pinched nerve risk. 
  • Repeatedly overstressing your neck muscles — Activities like weightlifting can put a lot of stress on your neck muscles. Over time, this can increase your risk of pinched neck nerves. Forward head posture can also cause neck muscles to be overstressed and increase your risk of this condition.

What can physical therapists do to help treat cervical radiculopathy?

Physical therapists are often able to reduce pain in your neck and shoulder from cervical radiculopathy, and they can also help you stop pain from radiating down your arm. These are two common goals of customized therapy plans for a pinched neck nerve. 

A few of the therapy techniques your unique plan may include are: 

Peak Performance offers effective treatment for cervical radiculopathy

Tired of feeling pain in your neck and shoulder that radiates down your arm? Our Peak Performance team offers effective physical therapy that can help treat your cervical radiculopathy symptoms. 

We’ll start by doing a free screening on your neck to confirm this issue is causing your symptoms. Then, our physical therapists can build you an individualized therapy plan designed to reduce your pain and prevent pinched neck nerves in the future. We can even help you get therapy from home thanks to our virtual therapy service. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can treat a pinched neck nerve or to schedule an initial appointment.

