Due to hurricane damage, the Havelock location is closed until further notice. Havelock therapists Hannah Zhang, Sarah Hall and Judy Hickes are available to see patients at the New Bern location. Please call the New Bern location at (252) 636-9800 to discuss your care.

Can the carpal tunnel syndrome you developed at work also be causing your shoulder pain?

Can Carpal Tunnel Cause Shoulder Pain

The carpal tunnel is a small passageway composed of ligaments and bones on the palm side of the wrist. The median nerve regulates movement and sensation in the thumb and the first three fingers. It passes through this passageway, together with the ligaments of the fingers and thumb.

When this nerve is pinched or compressed, the outcomes can include numbness, tingling, weakness and discomfort in the hand. These symptoms typically indicate you have an issue known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Job-related factors often trigger carpal tunnel syndrome. For instance, you might be spending a lot of time working on a computer with a bad hand and wrist position on the keyboard and mouse. Carpal tunnel syndrome is much more likely if your job involves repetitive motions of the wrist or the use of vibrating tools. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome and professions

Many fields can leave you susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome and the hand, arm, wrist, and shoulder issues that can stem from it. These fields include, but aren’t restricted to:

  • Music industry jobs that require the playing of an instrument.
  • Data entry work.
  • Professional sports.
  • Sewing.
  • Auto maintenance.
  • Gardening.

Can carpal tunnel syndrome cause shoulder pain?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by an issue with the median nerve, and this nerve is connected to others that run all the way up to your shoulder. This network of nerves is one reason you could feel shoulder pain when you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Another reason is a factor called referred pain. This is when pain travels from one place in the body and is felt in another. For instance, carpal tunnel pain may go up to your arm to your shoulder, making on-the-job routines more challenging. 

How can I recover from carpal tunnel and shoulder pain?

Make an appointment with a physical therapist. Their first goal will typically be to use PT methods to reduce your pain as quickly as possible. Afterward, they can focus on boosting your range of motion with stretching and additional flexibility exercises. Lastly, exercises for building strength will be included so that after your physical therapy course of treatment is over; your pain-free lifestyle can continue.

Peak Performance SPT offers effective physical therapy for shoulder pain

Are you looking for physical therapy treatment to decrease shoulder pain? Physical therapists can treat your shoulder pain at Peak Performance Physical Therapy. A free screening can be performed to determine the cause of your shoulder pain. The therapists at our clinics can also formulate a customized physical therapy plan for you that may reduce your pain and prevent it from returning. 

Please contact our staff if you are experiencing shoulder pain for more information or to schedule an appointment with our team.

