Due to hurricane damage, the Havelock location is closed until further notice. Havelock therapists Hannah Zhang, Sarah Hall and Judy Hickes are available to see patients at the New Bern location. Please call the New Bern location at (252) 636-9800 to discuss your care.

Three injuries you might suffer while playing tennis

Tennis Injuries

Most people don’t think of tennis as a contact sport because the players don’t make bodily contact. However, this sport can be considered a contact sport. 

Every time your tennis racket hits the ball, it puts stress on many parts of your body. This stress combined with the repetitive movements required during tennis matches can lead to injuries. One medical study reports that professional players develop about 48 injuries for every 1,000 matches they play.

Working with a physical therapist can help you learn some issues you may develop while playing tennis. These medical specialists can help you find effective treatment for tennis injuries, too. 

These are three common injuries people suffer while playing tennis: 

  1. Rotator cuff injuries — The rotator cuff is a group of shoulder muscles that help lift your arm. This structure is used to lift your racket up, especially when you lift it overhead. Poor form can increase your risk of a rotator cuff problem. Repetitive motions and stress placed on the arm during serves can also increase rotator cuff injury risk. 
  1. Tennis elbow — While other people can develop it, tennis elbow is common in tennis players. It occurs when the tendons on the outside of your elbow become inflamed. This inflammation tends to trigger pain in this location. Medical researchers report that up to 3% of Americans develop tennis elbow annually. 
  1. Core muscle strains — Your core muscles include your abs, obliques, lower back muscles and pelvic floor. These muscles put in a lot of work during a tennis match. The twisting and flexing that your core must do as you play tennis can easily lead to a strained muscle. Failing to warm up can leave your core muscles tense and more susceptible to injury.  

Peak Performance can help treat your tennis injuries

Have you recently injured yourself while playing tennis? Peak Performance Sports & Physical Therapy has a team of specialists ready to help treat your injury. We can perform a free screening on you to pinpoint what type of injury you have. Then, our physical therapists will construct an individualized treatment plan designed to reduce your pain and prevent future injuries. Even better, you can do some of your treatment from home thanks to our virtual therapy service. 

Contact us today for more information about our sports injury treatment services or to schedule an initial appointment to begin treating your injury. 

