Chronic pain is a term used to describe long-lasting and frequently occurring pain. It is usually linked to a chronic health condition. People with chronic pain often experience periods called “flare-ups” when their pain recurs or increases when physical or mental stress escalates. Approximately 52 out of every 1,000 adults in the United States experience chronic pain each year. If you’re one of the many who have developed chronic pain and need relief, here’s why you should look to physical therapy.
What are some of the most common causes of chronic pain?
There are several reasons why someone might experience chronic pain. Some of the most common include:
- Traumatic injury — One of the common causes of chronic pain is traumatic injury. Injuries from sports, car accidents and military service are some of the most common types that cause lasting pain. Traumatic injuries can cause chronic pain for many reasons, for example, if the injury is still new, if it hasn’t healed properly, and if excessive scar tissue has developed around it.
- Fibromyalgia — Fibromyalgia is another common contributor to chronic pain. It’s a condition that develops from physical or psychological stress and leads to recurring pain and muscle sensitivity throughout the body. It can also cause fatigue, low mood and memory loss.
- Arthritis — Arthritis is a term used to reference the diseases that lead to joint pain. There are over 100 subtypes of arthritis that affect people all over the world. Arthritis causes pain and swelling in the affected joints. Most people experience arthritis in their hands, feet, knees, wrists and hips. It can not only cause pain, but limited mobility and stiffness as well.
What are some physical therapy treatments for chronic pain that may provide relief?
Physical therapy is a resource that may provide relief to those with chronic pain. These are some of the treatments that physical therapists use to provide that relief:
- Manual therapy — Manual therapy is one treatment that a physical therapist can use to provide relief to someone with chronic pain. It’s used to manipulate soft tissue and joints in the body for reduced pain, reduced inflammation and improved range of motion. Manual therapy is a hands-on approach to treatment. It involves a physical therapist using their hands to manipulate your tissue and joints for a specific outcome, like chronic pain relief. If your chronic pain is rooted in your muscles and joints, your physical therapist can use manual therapy to improve circulation and relieve tension in the muscles.
- Dry needling — Dry needling is another physical therapy treatment that can bring relief to those with chronic pain. It involves inserting small, hollow needles into specific areas of the skin and muscles. These needles can release muscle tension, relieve pain, and promote blood flow to specific body areas. It’s known to benefit pain levels and mobility and may be especially useful for those experiencing chronic pain.
- Therapeutic exercise — Therapeutic exercise is another treatment you can undergo at your local PT clinic for chronic pain relief. Therapeutic exercise incorporates movements that enhance flexibility, strength, balance, posture and relaxation. It’s known to provide relief to people struggling with chronic pain because it improves the body’s functioning and strength. It addresses areas of weakness and promotes healing across the body.
- Aquatic therapy — Aquatic therapy is another type of treatment that your physical therapist may use to relieve your chronic pain. Aquatic therapy can be a great way for patients to exercise without placing stress on their joints and other areas of the body. It relieves much of the stress that performing exercise on land can place on someone while still providing many of the same benefits. Aquatic therapy can help you build strength, improve your range of motion, reduce stiffness and relieve pain caused by your chronic conditions.
At Peak Performance, our team of physical therapists can treat your chronic pain and bring you relief
Are you in need of a physical therapy team that can provide you with high-quality care? At Peak Performance, our specialists are skilled at treating a range of conditions, including chronic pain. Our Peak Performance Sports and Physical Therapy team is made up of a compassionate and experienced group of professionals. We’re dedicated to providing a consistent quality of care to each of our patients across the state of North Carolina.
Don’t let chronic pain take control of your life and steal away your comfort. Peak Performance is a physical therapy clinic that can effectively treat patients struggling to find relief from their chronic pain. Don’t hesitate any longer, and start taking the first steps toward feeling better today.
Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.